Las historias extraordinarias y políticamente incorrectas siguen marcando la vida del pueblo nevado de South Park. Stan, Kyle, Cartman y Kenny se enfrentan a científicos locos modernos, agnósticos, fundamentalistas, y se enfrentan a su mayor desafío hasta la fecha: Stan volviéndose un año más viejo.…
In season seven, Holmes and Watson’s new careers as consultants for Scotland Yard are disrupted by news that a member of their inner circle has been gravely wounded in the United States. As Holmes’ stateside legal trouble – the result of a confession to a murder he didn’t commit – threatens to keep them from returning to New York, their greatest foe to date, tech billionaire Odin Reichenbach, waits on the horizon to test their limits.…
En la 5.ª temporada, Rick y los demás se enfrentan a sus captores en La Terminal, descubren qué pasó con Beth y deciden si confiar en nuevos grupos de supervivientes.…
Sube al máximo la gravedad y mete tu cabeza en un frasco, porque la serie animada más futurista regresa con más extraños y brillantes episodios. Los clásicos personajes, Philip J. Fry, Turanga Leela y Bender Doblador Rodríguez, regresan con aventuras de lo más extraordinarias alrededor de todo el universo y más allá. Un montón de diversión futurista a través de profecías ancestrales, cabezas de presidentes, gangsters robot, mariposas enfadadas, misterios en Roma que ni siquiera Tom Hanks ha sido capaz de resolver y, por supuesto, fabricación de salchichas.…
El cuerpo de Carrie Mathison se está recuperando, pero su memoria sigue fracturada. Mientras intenta negociar la paz con los talibanes en Afganistán, Saul depende de la experiencia de su protegida. En contra del consejo médico, Saul le pide a Carrie que lo ayude una última vez.…
Además de los problemas en la organización, Tony tiene que lidiar con los problemas de los hijos y su amante. Para empeorar las cosas, el FBI está vigilando.…
La duodécima temporada de Padre de familia comenzó a transmitirse en FOX el 29 de septiembre de 20131 2 3 .La serie presenta a la familia Griffin, una familia disfuncional formada por el padre Peter, la madre Lois, la hija Meg, el hijo Chris, el bebé Stewie y el perro de la familia Brian, que residen en su ciudad natal de Quahog.Los invitados especiales a la temporada incluyen a Conan O'Brien, Jeff Daniels, Michelle Dockery, Tony Sirico, Yvette Nicole Brown, Gary Cole, y Cesar Millan, Ashton Kutcher, Liam Neeson, Jon Cryer, Liam Neeson, Bryan Cranston, Billie Joe Armstrong, Peter Dinklage y Adam Levine.4 5La temporada finalizó el 18 de mayo de 2014 con el episodio"Chap Stewie".…
The team suffers a devastating loss and confront staggering challenges. Adapting to the next evolution of The Machine, now completely self-governed and hidden from all, Finch and Reese team with rogue agent Sameen Shaw to save lives and seek justice, but their missions now threaten to tear them apart. Joss Carter and Lionel Fusco finally unravel the criminal police conspiracy"HR" - but at a tragic cost. And former cyber-enemy — and now highly tuned confederate of The Machine — Root becomes an unpredictable ally when the team learns a second surveillance apparatus to rival The Machine is on the verge of activation.…
Modern Family tiene una visión refrescante y divertida de lo que significa formar una familia en esta época agitada. Las relaciones multiculturales, la adopción y el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo son solo algunos de los problemas oportunos que enfrentan las tres generaciones tremendamente diversas del programa. No importa el tamaño o la forma, la familia siempre es lo primero en esta mirada hilarantemente “moderna” de la vida, el amor y la risa.…
En La Octava Temporada no importa la tensión que se respire - en el quirófano o en la habitación-, los médicos de Seattle Grace saben que siempre se pueden apoyar los unos en los otros. Ahora, como residentes del quinto año, la cuestión es de vida o muerte, y las cosas se ponen complicadas cuando el jefe toma una decisión que afecta a todo el personal. Fuera del hospital, Meredith y Derek luchan por mantener su relación a flote mientras tratan de adoptar a una niña huérfana, y Cristina se enfrenta a una decisión difícil que podría acabar con su matrimonio.…
Walter White, a New Mexico chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given a prognosis of only two years left to live. He becomes filled with a sense of fearlessness and an unrelenting desire to secure his family's financial future at any cost as he enters the dangerous world of drugs and crime.…
Tras el ataque de los Chitauri a la Tierra, el resucitado agente Phil Coulson forma un equipo de fuerzas especiales del Sistema Homologado de Inteligencia, Espionaje, Logística y Defensa, mejor conocido como S.H.I.E.L.D., para lidiar con diversas situaciones en un mundo poblado de superhéroes, alienígenas e historias inusuales.1 3 Establecen su base de operaciones en un avión llamado el «Bus» y comienzan siguiendo el rastro de Mike Peterson, un hombre que consiguió escapar de la explosión de un edificio, y del grupo de hackers activistas «Rising Tide», que han logrado acceder a información confidencial.…
En la espectacular temporada 10 de Los Simpson, Homer se convierte en inventor, Bart se convierte en madre, «Lisa Obtiene Una Matrícula», Mark Hamill canta, Homer inunda la ciudad por el arte ¡y Stephen Hawking salva el cerebro de Lisa!…
Ray Donovan, interpretado por Liev Schreiber en su primer papel principal para televisión, resuelve los sombríos problemas de las celebridades y hombres de negocios en Los Ángeles, California. Cuando su padre, interpretado por el ganador del Óscar Jon Voight, sale sorpresivamente de la cárcel, se desencadenan una serie de acontecimientos que afectan profundamente a la familia Donovan y Ray teme perder todo lo que ha construido.…
El lado oscuro y los secretos de la ciudad se vuelven más prominentes en la investigación del agente Cooper sobre quién mató a Laura Palmer. A medida que se revelan detalles increíbles, lo arriesga todo para descubrir la verdad, incluida su propia alma.…
La humanidad está bajo el terror de los titanes, una bestia en la que hace festín de carne humana. Eren Yeager, un joven decidido a hacer el cambio cuando él mismo podría transformar en uno de ellos. Él es la última esperanza de la humanidad…
Season one chronicles the rise of drug lord Pablo Escobar, the ruthless boss of the Medellin Cartel and a known terrorist who was also a congressman, a family man and revered by the poor as a new Robin Hood.…
Desde huelgas hasta escándalos, el equipo de Nube 9 compagina las celebraciones de fiestas, las revelaciones personales y las situaciones incómodas mientras trabaja.…
New money means no mercy as Mike Prince takes the Axe Capital throne. Meanwhile, Chuck Rhoades is convinced no one should have that much wealth – or power. As all the players seek out new alliances only one thing’s for certain… wealth means war.…
¿Suenan campanas de boda? ¿Se escuchan correteos infantiles por el suelo de la oficina? ¿Se ha convertido Michael en un capo de la mafia? Es posible que se vea obligado a ello con Dunder Mifflin al borde de la quiebra, o tal vez haya llegado el momento de cambiar de directivos.…
Detectives Mike Shepherd, Kristin Sims and Daniel Chalmers continue to wrestle with the alarming murder rate in Brokenwood. With the help of their curious pathologist, Dr Gina Kadinsky, they use all manner of unconventional methods to solve the town's more macabre and unusual crimes. From a brutal murder with a Jurassic twist to a spooky crime scene amidst the Day of the Dead, a lovestruck dental patient and a vicious visit to a House of Horrors, this seasons' homicides capture the quirky spirit of New Zealand's deadliest town.…
Scorpion is a high-octane thill ride based on the true story of Walter O'Brien, an eccentric genius with the world's fourth-highest I.Q. and the creator of a company of brilliant misfits who use their mental muscle to defend the planet against complex high-tech threats of the modern age.…
In season five, the arranged marriage of Philip and Elizabeth Jennings grows more passionate and genuine in the midst of the escalating Cold War. Paige’s budding romance with Matthew, the son of their neighbor, FBI Agent Stan Beeman, further complicates matters since Stan – Philip’s best friend – remains the greatest threat to the Jennings’ safety.…
Taking place immediately after the events of the second season, Dolores develops a relationship with Caleb in neo-Los Angeles, and learns how robots are treated in the real world. Meanwhile, Maeve finds herself in another Delos park, this one with a World War II theme and set in Fascist Italy.…
Season two finds the Crossing closed and each Howard stranded in the other's world. As a cold war escalates between worlds and deepens the divide, both men find themselves growing increasingly like the other.…
Book Three picks up right after Claire travels through the stones to return to her life in 1948. Now pregnant with Jamie’s child, she struggles with the fallout of her sudden reappearance and its effect on her marriage to her first husband, Frank. Meanwhile, in the 18th century, Jamie suffers from the aftermath of his doomed last stand at the historic battle of Culloden, as well as the loss of Claire. Separated by continents and centuries, Claire and Jamie must find their way back to each other. As always, adversity, mystery, and adventure await them on the path to reunion. And the question remains: When they find each other, will they be the same people who parted at the standing stones, all those years ago?…
A bizarre murder brings together three law-enforcement officers and a career criminal, each of whom must navigate a web of conspiracy and betrayal in the scorched landscapes of California.…
Facing the uncertain future of his partnership with FBI Agent Peter Burke, Neal sheds his tracking anklet and disappears into thin air. But the Feds aren't done with him and Neal is hardly ready for retirement. Back in action, Neal ponders the future as Season Four delves deeper into the stunning secrets of his mysterious past.…
Following the epic events of last season, the Legend of the Dark Knight resumes as Gotham City is divided between Gordon’s GCPD jurisdiction and some of the city’s most notorious villains. As the city’s heroes try to gain control and salvage what’s left of the deteriorating city, it teeters between good and evil, even as new villains, including the iconic Bane are introduced.…
La Unidad de Análisis de Comportamiento (BAU), es el equipo de elite del FBI cuya especialidad es analizar los perfiles de criminales, para anticipar sus pasos y evitar que vuelvan a atacar mediante el análisis del comportamiento criminal. El líder del equipo es el agente especial Jason Gideon, es supervisor y también es el principal analista comportamental del FBI. Los expertos que forman su equipo son el agente especial Dr. Spencer Reid, es psicoanalista, posee un genio con un QI de 187, puede leer 20.000 palabras por minuto y tiene memoria eidetica, experto en perfiles geográficos; el agente especial Aaron"Hotch" Hotchner, es jefe de unidad y supervisor, él es un hombre de familia capaz de ganar la confianza de las personas y descubrir sus secretos; el agente especial Derek Morgan, entrenador táctico y experto en crímenes obsesivos; Elle Greenaway, experta en crímenes sexuales, una agente que actúa motivada por la agresión que sufrió hace algunos años; Penélope García, analista técnica, informante del grupo y la luz del equipo; y por último, Jennifer"JJ" Jareau, enlace del equipo con los medios. Cada miembro del equipo usa su especialidad para levantar las motivaciones de los predadores e identificar sus gatillos emocionales en el intento de impedir que continúen actuando.…
Following their success in the qualifying round for the Kansai regional competition, the members of the Kitauji High School concert band set their sights on the next upcoming performance. Utilizing their summer break to the utmost, the band participates in a camp where they are instructed by their band advisor Noboru Taki and his friends who make their living as professional musicians.Kumiko Oumae and her friends remain determined to attain gold at the Kansai competition, but trouble arises when a student who once quit the band shows interest in rejoining and sparks unpleasant memories for the second-year members. Kumiko also learns about her teacher's surprising past and the motivation behind his desire to lead the band to victory. Reaching nationals will require hard work, and the adamant conviction in each student's commitment to the band will be put to the test.…
The family tackles new escapades, from surviving a road trip to helping Tina with her growing teenage concerns. Episodes focus on the kids' unique hobbies, Bob's determination to keep his business running, and Linda's unwavering support for her family.…
When a chance encounter brings soldier John Watson into Sherlock's life, it's apparent the two men couldn't be more different, but Sherlock's intellect coupled with John's pragmatism soon forges an unbreakable alliance as they investigate a series of baffling cases together.…
La decima temporada de Supernatural se estrenó el el 7 de Octubre de 2014 y finalizo el 20 de mayo de 2015. Esta temporada esta compuesta de 23 episodios y mostrara cómo Dean está viviendo ahora que es un demonio. También mostrará los caminos"oscuros" que deberá seguir Sam para encontrarlo, ademas contará lo que va a pasar con Castiel, ahora que su gracia está"acabando" y se está muriendo. Esta temporada también habrá un misterioso regreso de un personaje que se presentó hace un par de temporadas,como dijo el productor ejecutivo de la serie Jeremy Carver, en una entrevista con la línea de TV.…
In Christmas 1925, the Shelby family receives a mysterious letter, and Tommy understands they are all in danger. Luca Changretta comes from New York to avenge his father's death. The Shelby family gathers in Small Heath, in Birmingham. All of them will have to put aside their dispute in order to fight together for their survival.…
La cuarta temporada se estrenó el 27 de septiembre de 2009, y se centró en Dexter tratando de encontrar una manera de equilibrar su vida familiar y sus actividades"extra-curriculares", ahora que su hijo ha nacido.…
Joining the team at the stunning Saint Marie is DI Jack Mooney. He may be brilliant, but he'll need all his instinctive genius to solve all the impossible mysteries.…
The crazy Gallaghers returned. They have new issues. Lip went to college. Fiona’s life is gradually improving. She has a stable job. The whole family is waiting for news about the health of Frank. Can the Gallaghers finally realize the middle class American dream? This ain’t no tea party.…
The families will be brought together in the vibrant and violent region formerly known as the U.S.-Mexico border. International lines done away with following the world's end, our characters must attempt to rebuild not only society but the family as well.…
Barry Allen and his new wife, Iris West, finally settling into married life when they're visited by Nora West-Allen, their speedster daughter from the future. Nora's arrival brings to light the legacy every member of Team Flash will leave years from now, causing many to question who they are today. And while Nora idolizes Barry, she holds a mysterious grudge against Iris. As Team Flash adjusts to the next generation of speedster, they discover Nora's presence has triggered the arrival of the most ruthless, vicious and relentless villain they have ever faced: Cicada!…
Humans and demons are two sides of the same coin, as are Assiah and Gehenna, their respective worlds. The only way to travel between the realms is by the means of possession, like in ghost stories. However, Satan, the ruler of Gehenna, cannot find a suitable host to possess and therefore, remains imprisoned in his world. In a desperate attempt to conquer Assiah, he sends his son instead, intending for him to eventually grow into a vessel capable of possession by the demon king.Ao no Exorcist follows Rin Okumura who appears to be an ordinary, somewhat troublesome teenager—that is until one day he is ambushed by demons. His world turns upside down when he discovers that he is in fact the very son of Satan and that his demon father wishes for him to return so they can conquer Assiah together. Not wanting to join the king of Gehenna, Rin decides to begin training to become an exorcist so that he can fight to defend Assiah alongside his brother Yukio.…
After an action-packed end to its premiere season, Teen Wolf jumps full force into season two with even more suspenseful drama. Scott McCall, an ordinary teenager with a wild secret, continues to find himself caught in a supernatural war between hunters and werewolves. While navigating the complicated roadways of high school, Scott must keep his forbidden romance with Alison a secret and protect himself from new Alpha wolf Derek. Scott will have to trust his instincts above all else if he hopes to end war in Beacon Hills and keep his friends and family safe.…
Season nine finds our hero, the barely functioning alcoholic seaplane pilot Sterling Archer, resting on a lovely island in the South Pacific circa 1939. While the rest of the world is concerned about the impending Second World War, Archer is only concerned with who’s buying his next drink. Along with his trusty co-pilot Pam, Sterling must navigate quicksand, cannibals, super-intelligent monkeys, poison darts, pirates, and did we mention quicksand?…
December 2010, Minnesota. Emmit Stussy, the Parking Lot King of Minnesota, is a handsome, self-made, real estate mogul and family man - an American success story. His slightly younger brother, Ray Stussy, on the other hand is more of a cautionary tale. Balding, pot-bellied, Ray is the kind of guy who peaked in high school. Now a parole officer, Ray has a huge chip on his shoulder about the hand he's been dealt, and he blames his brother, until the arrival of a mysterious personality changes everything.…
With his back against the wall, Raymond Reddington faces his most formidable enemy yet: Elizabeth Keen. Aligned with her mother, infamous Russian spy Katarina Rostova, Liz must decide how far she is willing to go to find out why Reddington has entered her life and what his endgame really is. The fallout between Reddington and Keen will have devastating consequences for all that lie in their wake, including the Task Force they helped to create.…
A ferocious battle between the Vikings and the French eventually comes down to Ragnar against Rollo. The outcome will seal the fate of the two brothers.…
In these eagerly anticipated episodes, some of the deepest mysteries of the conflict between the light and the dark sides of the Force are revealed. An intrepid clone trooper discovers a shocking secret carried by each and every soldier of the Republic. Anakin Skywalker's closest relationship is tested to its limits when a well-intentioned senator is manipulated by the masterminds of the war. A wicked enemy from the past uncovers an ancient weapon that could give her unrivaled power. And Master Yoda's investigation into the disappearance of a Jedi takes him deep inside the Force's mysteries, where what he discovers could forever change the balance of power in the galaxy.…
It is now 1964 and it's evident how the times are changing: from the beacon of the contraceptive pill and the shadow of the 1967 Abortion Act, to the introduction of a new cancer-screening program. The nuns and nurses continue to face a variety of challenging issues including interracial adoption, cleft palate, sickle cell and cot death. And for one of the team, romance could be on the horizon.…
Season Two begins with a cure for the Red Virus and the goal to save the human race. Navy Captain Tom Chandler and his crew return to the States unsure of what they will find. As the crew seeks to find survivors and their families, they encounter a new, emerging enemy who’s vying for control and may hinder the mass production of the cure.…
A la vez que el agente especial"G" Callen (Chris O'Donnell) se enfrenta a los demonios de su pasado, tiene también que dirigir al equipo, el cual incluye a su ex-compañero de los SEAL de la Marina Sam Hanna (LL Cool J), la agente especial Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah), y el agente de la policía de Los Ángeles Marty Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen), en una vibrante persecución de crueles terroristas, cabezas de misiles nucleares desaparecidas, herederos saudíes secuestrados, y brutales traficantes de personas. Para complicar aún más las cosas, la directora del OPS Hetty Lange (la ganadora de un Oscar Linda Hunt) guarda sus propios secretos, haciendo que los miembros del NCIS se cuestionen quién es el cazador y quién el cazado.…
In the dawn of the 21st century, magic, long thought to be folklore and fairy tales, has become a systematized technology and is taught as a technical skill. In First High School, the institution for magicians, students are segregated into two groups based on their entrance exam scores:"Blooms," those who receive high scores, are assigned to the First Course, while"Weeds" are reserve students assigned to the Second Course.Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei follows the siblings, Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba, who are enrolled in First High School. Upon taking the exam, the prodigious Miyuki is placed in the First Course, while Tatsuya is relegated to the Second Course. Though his practical test scores and status as a"Weed" show him to be magically inept, he possesses extraordinary technical knowledge, physical combat capabilities, and unique magic techniques—making Tatsuya the irregular at a magical high school.…
Elliot finds himself at a crossroad when the mysterious leader of an underground hacker group recruits him to destroy the firm he is paid to protect. Compelled by his personal beliefs, Elliot struggles to resist the chance to take down the multinational CEOs he believes are running (and ruining) the world.…
More than six years have passed since Praimfaya has ravaged the planet and killed most of the human race. As Clarke waits to hear from the group on the Ark, or in the bunker, a prison ship drops from the sky. Are they friend or foe? And what do they want?…
Larry gets into a series of escalating predicaments as he takes on a major project to spite a new adversary—which proves to be more complicated than he anticipated.…
Robert Durst, scion of one of New York's billionaire real estate families, has been accused of three murders but never convicted. Brilliant, reclusive, and the subject of relentless media scrutiny, he's never spoken publicly—until now. During interviews with Andrew Jarecki, he reveals secrets of the case that baffled authorities for 30 years. In 2010, Jarecki made the narrative film All Good Things based on the infamous story of Robert Durst. After Durst saw the film, he contacted Jarecki wanting to tell his story. What began as a feature documentary ultimately became a six-part series as more and more of his incredible story was revealed.…
Catherine is a no-nonsense police sergeant who heads up a team of officers in a rural Yorkshire valley. When a staged kidnapping spirals out of control turning into a brutal series of crimes, Catherine finds herself involved in something significantly bigger than her rank, but unknowingly close to home…
In season fifteen, the gang finds themselves at a crossroads in this strange new world in the wake of Covid-19 and all things 2020. The rules are changing quicker than anyone can keep up with, despite herculean efforts from Mac, Charlie, Dennis, Dee, and Frank to continue business as usual. They must also now face the music and decide who they’ll become in the cultural upheaval that is 2021.…
Six years before Saul Goodman meets Walter White. We meet him when the man who will become Saul Goodman is known as Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer searching for his destiny, and, more immediately, hustling to make ends meet. Working alongside, and, often, against Jimmy, is “fixer” Mike Ehrmantraut. The series tracks Jimmy’s transformation into Saul Goodman, the man who puts “criminal” in “criminal lawyer".…
Jake and Amy rethink their family plans, Holt chafes over his demotion, and the squad sees the return of old pals and nemeses amid the usual shenanigans.…
The original team—Nightwing, Aquaman, Superboy, Miss Martian, Tigress, Zatanna and Rocket—are back, leading a new generation of young heroes on a quest for justice across the Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy and beyond. Between Order and Chaos, through time and space, life and death battles will be fought, won and lost. Who will rise? Who will fall? And who will haunt them forever?…
HAWAII FIVE-0 is a contemporary take on the classic series about a new elite federalized task force whose mission is to wipe out the crime that washes up on the Islands' sun-drenched beaches.…
La tercera temporada consta de 13 episodios y es la continuación del final de la segunda temporada, donde la mayor parte de los personajes principales terminan en Panamá. Lincoln es exonerado de sus presuntos crímenes, mientras Michael es encarcelado por cargos de homicidio en la Penitenciaría Federal de Sona, junto con Mahone, T-Bag y Bellick. Michael se ve obligado a escapar de prisión nuevamente, coaccionado por La Compañía para que se fugue y entregue a James Whistler, a cambio de la liberación de LJ y Sara.…
The series introduces Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts, and also features Matt Lucas as Nardole. Michelle Gomez and John Simm return as their respective incarnations of the Master. The main story arc for the first half of the series revolves around the Doctor and Nardole occupying themselves at a university while they guard an underground vault containing Missy. Missy later travels with the team in the TARDIS, and eventually partners with her previous incarnation as they battle a Cyberman onslaught.…
Torn from his homeland and the woman he loves, Spartacus is condemned to the brutal world of the arena where blood and death are primetime entertainment. But not all battles are fought upon the sands. Treachery, corruption, and the allure of sensual pleasures will constantly test Spartacus. To survive, he must become more than a man. More than a gladiator. He must become a legend.…
With the Forsaken loose in the world, the heroes of the Light must chart their own courses and muster hidden strengths as they face the Darkness within themselves.…
Truman Capote surrounded himself with some of society's most elite women, whom he nicknamed"the swans," but his act of betrayal destroyed those relationships, banished him from high society and sent him into a spiral of self-destruction.…
Emmett & Tiff forge a new path as Tiff grows closer to Rob. Kevin finds love where he least expects it, Jake & Jemma navigate life as a couple and Papa still knows how to get into trouble. Jada looks at life post-cancer and Trig considers a political run.…
U.A. High School's most prestigious event begins: the Sports Festival, an opportunity for aspiring heroes to showcase their skills to both the public and potential recruiters. However, the path to glory is never easy, especially for Izuku Midoriya, who must now face off against his talented classmates to prove his worth to the world.…
After meeting an adorable alien with planet-destroying capabilities, a human prisoner in space goes on an interstellar adventure to save the universe.…